New Start’s Step-Down Recovery Service is a 21 unit, state-of-the-art, fully modernised building based in the South of Liverpool. The service is core component of Liverpool funded RISE substance and alcohol misuse recovery pathway which we deliver in partnership with Liverpool & Sefton YMCA.
At the Step Down we offer a 24/7 safe, abstinence focussed, post-treatment care and support to those who have successfully completed a period of rehabilitation.
The RISE Recovery Service is available to adults aged 18+ who are Liverpool Residents and:
Key to the service is the use of a Relational Approach to Recovery (RAR). At the heart of this approach is a commitment to be collaborative and flexible, to get alongside and ‘do with’ our service users in providing support and rehabilitation, not to ‘do to’ or ‘do for’ them.
Opened in July 2019, the provision of support is tailored around utilising effective recovery models such as cycle of change and 12-step/fellowship to deliver service user led interventions, but also complimenting these further with the use of psychological frameworks; such as the use of CAT (Cognitive Analytic Therapy) for staff and service users to work with in order to achieve self-efficacy, recovery capital and independence in a life without substances.
Workers at the project are trained accordingly in utilising the concepts of CAT, interpersonal group therapy, SMART recovery and ITEP mapping to assist in their support planning and care. All have a rich history and experience of traditional recovery frameworks.
The service consists of five ‘recovery pods’ each providing psychologically informed group living environments that incorporate shared facilities for service users residing in each particular pod. Service users decide which program of support/recovery they wish to access and possible placements will be matched to zones with people accessing the same program to facilitate the establishment of genuine recovery communities within each of the pods and across the service. All therapeutic duties, responsibilities and community/peer decision making occurs within each community to help individual service users build relationships with peers and develop social and recovery capital in preparation for independent living.
Additional to on-site recovery-based care and support, the service also offers an increasingly wide range of in-reaching interventions/workshops/training delivered by partner organisations, further widening the individual’s scope for sustainability in a life outside of treatment agencies. In order to support people to further develop their recovery capital we facilitate access to a range of education, training and employment opportunities.
To access this service applicants will be required to complete New Start's Referral Form by downloading the form or by contacting our support team on 0151 708 7103.