New Start's Dispersed Service is a commissioned service which is delivered as part of our work with Liverpool Accommodation Based Services Consortium (LABSC).
This service is a supported housing project made available to vulnerable individuals in the Liverpool area who are either homeless or under the threat of homelessness, and who require a safe and secure home environment. Applicants to this service will be considered for a 'supported starter tenancy', through which they will benefit from the support of a dedicated Project Worker who will assist the Service User in gaining the skills and confidence required to eventually secure an independent tenancy.
Service Users accepted into this provision will be expected to have the ability to live independently in dispersed accommodation (self-contained or shared) and will be assessed as having low level support needs which can be met through visiting or daytime support. The service will be flexible enough to respond rapidly to the changing needs of Service Users and the support provided will focus on enabling Service Users to move on to greater independence.
Support staff will work with Service Users to build up their confidence and get them ‘tenancy-ready’ by directing support actions towards living skills; education and training; health and well-being; financial inclusion; family interventions; and welfare benefits support, to assist them to gain the skills and confidence to successfully sustain their current accommodation and work towards future independent housing.
To access this service applicants will be required to complete a MainStay assessment. For more information contact our support team on 0151 708 7103.